The core system is provided to public purchasers in a set with the related portions required for electronic bidding. Public purchasers customize the related portions as well as the core system, and construct the electronic bidding system by adding linkage functions with the existing system. The core system has specifications for function linkage without needing to worry about specifics in the core system, by adopting the API* method for access from peripheral functions. The use of a common core system by public purchasers realizes operational integration and allows for the construction of a system at a reasonable cost.
*API [application program interface]: A software source equipped for operating systems and other platforms in advance to simplify application development.
Core System Processing Image
The core system supports the registration, application, bidding, rebidding, bid opening and bidding result disclosure of the project in the electronic bidding. In addition, previous bidding on paper is also available so as not to close the door to companies that are not prepared for an Internet environment.